SoulCollage Workshop
SoulCollage is a registered trademark of SoulCollage® in the United States.
~ Communicate with yourself through SoulCollage and start a wonderful subconscious journey for yourself!
SoulCollage originates from the United States. It is an easy-to-learn and creative image card collage process, through the communication with your image card to connect with your soul, to gain a deep understanding of your personal or soul traits. You can make your own decks of image cards through SouCollage for your guidance and meditation.
Each SoulCollage card represents a Neter (energy) or soul trait. Through your intuition and subconsciousness, you can read your SoulCollage card to answer life questions, participate in self discovery and make decision. You can develop self-awareness and discover inner wisdom and the support of community interaction to find out all kinds of doubts and answers you may have in your life, such as understanding more about yourself, gaining a deeper understanding of your relationship with your family, community, and the world, and perceiving your dreams, symbols, and even your spirit.
The predecessor of the SoulCollage process was created by Seena Frost in the late 1980s. Seena is a psychotherapist, using simple and interesting image collage, the process of making pictures and reading cards as a healing workshop, helping people in need to perceive themselves, understand their inner wisdom, and through the interaction with community support to attain the healing purpose. The results are very prominent and effective.
The positive value of the SoulCollage system is based on the fact that everyone has their own answers. SoulCollage process is just a set of tools to help people in need to find their own answers, without having to get answers through others. This system was later developed by Jim Schofield and Kylea Taylor and spread out to the world. At present, there are more than 3,000 instructors in 44 countries around the world, and workshops are held in various countries. With this set of tools and processes, SoulCollage instructors lead participants to discover their inner wisdom and exert the collaborative effect of community sharing.
"The intention of SoulCollage®: to offer a creative practice for exploring, healing and evolving our many-faceted Souls so every Soul is able to manifest its unique SoulEssence in increasingly balanced and joy-filled forms."
~ Seena Frost
SoulCollage® is a creative collage process for…
Self-discovery, self-acceptance, and personal empowerment.
Embracing one’s intuition and unique creativity.
Promoting inclusive, diverse, cooperative community for mutual encouragement.
SoulCollage has 4 suits of decks:
When 4 suits of decks are completed, you will be able to explore your inner wisdom much more effectively, to improve your decision-making power, and to enhance your balance on all aspects of your body, mind & soul!
SoulCollage is suitable for any person, any age, you don’t need to have any artistic talent, because it corresponds to every stage of everyone’s life journey! For more information on SoulCollage®, please refer to the official website:
SoulCollage experiential workshop:
Suitable for:
Any age
Workshop content:
Introduce what SoulCollage is
Make your own SoulCollage card
Communicate with yourself through SoulCollage cards
Understand more about yourself through SoulCollage cards
Share SoulCollage cards with community group
Improve image perception and intuition
Communicate with your subconscious through SoulCollage cards
Gain nourishment and strength of your soul
SoulCollage 2-day workshop:
This 2-day workshop is to experience the entire 4 suits of SoulCollage. It is also a pre-requisite for becoming a SoulCollage facilitator. After completing this work, you may then attend a 4-day SoulCollage facilitator training (to be held either at local or overseas, depending on the training schedule) as a qualified SoulCollage facilitator, and are able to organise SoulCollage workshop.
Suitable for:
Any age
Workshop content:
Introduce what SoulCollage is
Explain 4 Suits of SoulCollage
Make your own 4 suits of SoulCollage decks (all of part of the decks)
Committee suit (inner self-exploration)
Community suit (explore self & others, or self & community relationship)
Companions suite (explore self & body relationship)
Council suit (explore self & cosmic relationship)
Improve image perception and intuition
Communicate with your subconscious through SoulCollage cards
Communicate with yourself through SoulCollage cards
Understand more about yourself through SoulCollage cards
Explore relationship between you and your family / friend / community
Explore relationship between you and your body / chakra
Explore relationship between you and the cosmic
Share SoulCollage cards with community group
Gain nourishment and strength of your soul
The SoulCollage class makes me understand more about myself, and at the same time, I can better understand the feelings and thoughts of others. I can feel the positive auric field every time when I attend the class. I then realized when a group of people gathers together, the positive energy can be so strong that they can even affect each other. For example, when a person has very strong positive energy, it will form a very large positive auric field that can help others to release their negative energy of stress, anxiety, and worry. And therefore, SoulCollage is a very good and effective method allowing people to communicate with each other, understand, get well along and tolerate with each others.
~ Juliana C.